Monday, March 17, 2014

Joshua Aster's work and influences

I visited Josh's studio before his show at Edward Cella and got to see a lot of the influences that went into these paintings.  a major influence was the generic green basked that fruit comes in at the supermarket.  He drew these from different angles and the triangles you see in the large paintings are distortions of the grid.

Joshua Aster at Edward Cella
Joshua Aster, Wistful Thinking
2014, Oil on linen
Joshua Aster, Wistful Thinking, 2014
Oil on linen, 78 x 82 in
Joshua Aster, Panes
2013, Oil on linen
Joshua Aster, Panes, 2013
Oil on linen, 72 x 60 in.
Joshua Aster, Thicket
2013, Oil on linen

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